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Cool Professions!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is her profession and what does she do?
She is responsible for inspecting and repairing vehicles
What is his profession and what does he do?
He sells flowers arrangements for parties or weddings
What is her profession and what does she do?
She collects and analyze important information
What is their profession and what do they do?
They take customer orders and deliver food and drinks
What is his profession and what does he do?
He grows food and raises animals for people to eat
What is her profession and what does she do?
She takes clients to their destination by car/taxi/bus
What is his profession and what does he do?
He cuts, combs and dyes hair for her clients
What is his profession and what does he do?
He cuts and prepare the meat for the clients
What is his profession and what does he do?
He mixes and prepares the ingredients to bake bread
What is his profession and what does he do?
He makes important decisions for the people
What is his profession and what does he do?
He installs pipes and he fixes bathrooms and kitchens
What is her profession and what does she do?
She creates beautiful clothes for her clients
What is his profession and what does he do?
He works in construction projects with wood
What is her profession and what does she do?
She provides a service to the passengers in the plane
What is her profession and what does she do?
She helps people in emergency situations like a fire a tornado or a big storm
What is his profession and what does he do?
He prepares the medication and give information to the patients
What is her profession and what does he do?
He cleans, sweep, mop and dust the office or school