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Clue Detective

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can be very fluffy. I can have spots. I can run and sit and beg. I can even shake your hand if you teach me.
I am a dog.
I'm in a boat. I'm holding a pole in my hands. There is a line hanging from the pole and a hook at the end of the line. What am I doing?
I am fishing.
They are black, and made of rubber. Cars have 4 of them. What are they?
They are tires.
I bounced the orange ball as I ran. Next I stopped and threw the ball through a hoop. I just scored 2 points. What am I doing?
I am playing basketball.
My mom paid the lady some money, and the lady gave us each a ticket. The rest of the morning we saw elephants, lions, monkeys, giraffes and wolves. The animals were eating, sleeping and playing. Where am I?
I am at the zoo.
I am mixing flour, sugar, eggs and chocolate chips in a bowl. Next I will use a spoon to put small scoops onto a tray. After that I'll put the tray into the oven. What am I doing?
I am baking cookies.
My alarm goes off, I get dressed, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth. I get my backpack, tell my mom and dad goodbye and get on the bus. Where am I going?
I am going to school.
I see a red light and I put my foot on the brake. I then see a green light so I put my foot on the gas pedal. What am I doing?
I am driving a car.
I turn on the water, I get a towel and check to make sure there is shampoo. What am I about to do?
I am going to take a bath or shower.
Some of these are for bouncing, some are for throwing and some are for kicking. They are used in a lot of sports. What are they?
They are balls.
It has leaves, it grows in the ground and some give us fruit. What is it?
It is a tree.
We use it when we eat spaghetti or meat, but we don't use it when we eat soup. What is it?
It is a fork.
It keeps us warm when we go outside in the winter, some of them have buttons and others have a zipper. What is it?
A coat or a jacket.
They help us go from one place to another, and we put socks on them. What are they?
They are our feet.
He wears a red and white suit and has reindeer as pets. Who is it?
It's Santa Claus.
We drink it, we wash our hands with it and it helps plants grow. What is it?
It is water.
It has 4 wheels, uses gas, and has a steering wheel. What is it?
It is a car.
They bloom in the spring time and some smell really good. What are they?
They are flowers.
This thing is very cold, sweet and has a stick for a handle. What is it?
It is a popsicle.