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Angles 1 - PC 3
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your father's brother is your...
Your mother's sister is your...
Your uncle's son or daughter is your...
C: _______ are these? SA: They are $45
How much are these?
SA: _______ are you? C: I'm a medium.
What size are you?
What does Beyonce look like? (2 sentences)
She is... / She has...
I have... / I don't have...
I have... / I don't have... (a dog, a book, a sister, a cat, a video game)
What does Angelica look like? (2 sentences)
She is... / She has...
What does Neymar look like? (2 sentences)
He is... / He has...
What the opposite of hardworking?
What's the opposite of interesting?
Look at the picture and complete: ___ you ___ ?
Can you speak English? Now answer the question.
Look at the picture and complete: ___ you ___ ?
Can you ride a skateboard? Now answer the question.
Look at the picture and complete: ___ you ___ ?
Can you play the guitar? Now answer the question.
Look at the picture and complete: ___ you ___ ?
Can you cook? Now answer the question.
In my free time...
In my free time, I play video games / read books / watch TV / study English.
I like... / I don't like....