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FLYERS - KB 5 - Exam practice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People shouldn't c _ _ _ _ fish to have in their homes.
Flies and beetles are examples of flying i _ _ _ _ _ _
There are about a thousand endangered s _ _ _ _ _ _ in the world.
The Siberian tiger has a long s _ _ _ _ _ _ tail.
Many fish have round _______ on their body.
Birds have _________. They need them to fly.
Creatures, like dinosaurs, that die our are E _ _ _ _ _ _
N _ T _ R _ is in danger because of people's actions.
Zebras have white and black __________.
It's made of metal. We use it to cut our food.
A knife
It's black and it tastes strong. We use it to make food taste good.
black pepper/ pepper
It's white and you se it to make your food taste good, but not sweet.
It's made of wheat. We use it to make bread, pizza or cookies.
Pens and rulers are usually made of _________.
Very warm clothes can be made of wool or _______.
Glass is made from a kind of s_ _ _.
Castles are often made of s _ _ _ _
Gold and silver are two types of ____________.
Fur comes from animal h _ _ _.
Paper and card are made from _________.
Your book is made of __________.
We get _______ from sheep. (Say the material)
Bottles are usually made of P _ _ _ _ _ _ or G _ _ _ _
Plastic or glass
This cloud ________ __________ a bottle.
looks like
This is the shortest month in the year. In most years it's oly got 28 days.
In this place in town you can get money.
A bank
This is the place where you can catch a plane.
An airport
This month is between June and August.
These buildings have lots of interesting things to see. The "Rosetta Stone" is in one.
People don't live in these buildings. Fire fighters work in them.
Fire stations
This is a month. It's the one after September.
This is a very tall building with lots of floors.
A skyscraper
A skyrasker
A scrapesky
A rasksky
This is something you read. It's a kindof internet magazine. Students write about interesting things in it.
An ezine.
This is a kind of programme you watch when you want to know what is happening in the world.
The news
If you like leaning about the past, you should study this subject.
These people wear a uniform and fly planes.
It's a school subject. In this lesson we learn about the human body and plants.
This is a kind of job. When there is a fire. this person puts it out.
A firefighter
On this programme, they tell you if it's going to be sunny, windy or rainy.
The weather
What/ you do/ when I called you yesterday? (Make a question)
What were you doing when I called you yesterday?
What time / he see the doctor tomorrow? (Make a question)
What time is he going to see the doctor tomorrow?
Where/ she go/ every day? (Make a question)
Where does she go every day?
Your house/ big or small? (Make a question)
Is your house big or small?
He tired / yesterday? (Make a question)
Was he tired yesterday?
What/ she do/ now? (Make a question)
What is she doing now?
Thank you very much!
You're welcome. Good luck!
That's nice. See you soon!
OK, sorry.
How many endangered species are there today?
A lot. And every year there are more.
Yes, I've written two about recycling.
You should build bird houses and plant flowers.
What can we do to save trees?
You shouldn't throw paper away. Recycle it!
You should build tree houses and plant flowers.
You're welcome. Good luck!
Have you ever written a book about the environment?
Yes, I've written two about recycling.
A lot. And every year there are more.
Yes, it is. I've won a prize.
When did you become interested in the environment?
I've wanted to learn about it since I was a young boy.
Yes, it is. I've won a prize.
a lot. Every year there are more.
Can I ask you some questions about the environment?
Of course. How can I help you?
Yes, I've written two about recycling.
I've wanted to learn about it since I was a young boy.
When the weather is nice, eople eat these outside, in a park, or on a field. P _ _ _ _ _ _
Many people like this sport. They do it in winter. They sit or lie down to do it.
We eat three of these every day. The first one is breakfast and the last one is dinner.
These are often made of metal. You use them to eat soup and ice cream.
These people help you when you have a toothache. They clean your teeth too.
It's a kind of bok we use when we don't understand a word.
a dictionary
In this school subject, you can learn about different countries, lakes, rivers and a lot more.
These are TV programmes for children. They're 'moving pictures' and they're very funny.
If you want to cross a river, you walk over this.
a Bridge
Christmas is in this month. It's the last month of the year.
It's a really strong building. The queen lives in one. It's a C_ _ _ _ _