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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They / eat / crisps. (use always and present continuous)
They are always eating crisps.
She / talk / about her job. (use always and present continuous)
She is always talking about her job.
Our tennis trainer / tell / us to train hard.(use always and present continuous)
Our tennis trainer is always telling us to train hard.
My friends / ring / me late at night (use always and present continuous)
my friends are always ringing me late at night.
he / forget / my birthday (use always and present continuous)
He is always forgetting my birthday.
rarely / watch / TV / you / the / week. / during
You rarely watch TV during the week.
every / Friday. / Friends / go / we / our / out / with
We go out with our friends every Friday.
always / exhausted / gets / home, / he's / when / he
When he gets home he's always exhausted.
I / I'm / listen / music/ running. / to / usually / while
I usually listen to music while I'm running.
an / for / half / hour. / I / run / sometimes
I sometimes run for half an hour.
an / hour / I / more / hardly ever / spend / than / there
I hardly ever spend more than an hour there.
a / go / gym / I / the / to / twice / week
I go to the gym twice a week
At the moment, I (train / 'm training) for a race, so I (spend / 'm spending) a lot of time on my bike.
'm training / spend or I'm spending
I (go / am going) cycling regularly, but only on small roads where there aren't many cars.
When we cycle, we (use up / are using up) more energy than when we (walk / are walking.
use up / walk
Cycling is good because it (helps / is helping) our general fitness.
Many people (take up / are taking up) cycling these days
are taking up