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Review PTI Rajshahi

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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train/ next/ time/ 's/ what/ the/ ?
What time's the next train?
magazine/ where/ can/ buy/ I/ a ?
Where can I buy a magazine?
often/ how/ the/ leave/ do/ trains/?
How often do the trains leave?
We were very tired _____ we sent straight to bed.
Can you t________ o_____ the radio, please?
turn off
I was tired, so I t_________ o____ the TV and went to bed.
turned off
I tried to call him, but his phone w_____ o______
was off
I hate it when people don't s__________ o____ their phones in the cinema.
switch off
Why don't you t_________ o___ your coat? It's not cold here.
take off
Can you c______ o____ a piece of that cheese for me?
cut off
He f_________ o________ the chair and hurt his back.
fell off
The airline has 20% o______ tickets to New York.
The plane t_________ o____ half an hour early yesterday.
took off
I asked a man for directions, but he just w________ o_____, and didn't answer me.
walked off
The traffic lights turned green and they d________ o____.
drove off
Ok, I'm o_____. My train leaves in ten minutes.
We booked an early ferry, so we s_______ o____ at 5 am.
set off
Two people got on, and a man sat/ was sitting down next to me, and he started/ was starting talking loudly on his mobile.
sat/ started
I read/ was reading my book, when the train arrived/ was arriving at the next station.
was reading/ arrived
When the journey started/ was starting, some girls played/ were playing music on their mobiles.
started/ were playing
When the train came/ was coming, I found/ was finding a seat by the window.
came/ found
I had a terrible journey. I w____ w________ to the train station and it started raining.
was walking
We need to c____ o____ of our hotel before 10 am.
check out
We s _____ o____ very early because our train was at 6.30 am.
set off
We want to g_____ a________ for the weekend later this month.
go away
You need to c____________ trains at Frankfurt for Berlin.
You will have to d______ some sightseeing later.
You need to g______ a visa if you want to visit China.
We hope to t______ a____________ the world next year.
travel around
You pack clothes in these two things when you go away.
backpack/ suitcase
You normally need this to travel internationally.
These two things give you ideas of where to go.
map/ guidebook
This is money from another country.
Foreign currency
You wear or use these two things when it's sunny.
sunglasses/ suntan lotion
I ___________ how to surf when I lived in California.
________________ you ___________ any interesting people on holiday?
did/ meet
He ______________ his new shirt to the party.
I d________ ___________ the bus home because I didn't have any money.
didn't get
I n_________ to change my ticket before I got on the train.
She ______________ the bus driver for directions.
We __________ a lot of money, because everything was very cheap.
didn't spend