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What is the difference between a great white shark and a whale shark?
Whale sharks are calm and slow and great white sharks are fast and aggressive
What is the biggest shark in the ocean right now?
Whale sharks
What is a sharks prey?
Sea turtles, sting rays, seals, sea lions
How are people a danger to sharks
They kill them or catch them in nets meant for other fish
How do sharks camoflauge?
Their black back blends with the sea and white belly blends with the skiy
How does glowing in the dark help sharks?
It can help atract prey
Some sharks can glow in the dark.
How many different types of sharks are there?
Around 375
Do whale sharks eat people?
Are some sharks extinct?
What does prehistoric mean?
They existed before people
Who did sharks exist before?
Sharks prefer prey with no fat.
What does serrated mean?
Has a jagged edge
All sharks have the same type of teeth.
How many teeth do sharks use in their lifetime?
Around 10,000
Humans can see better than sharks.
What is a predetor?
An animal that eats another animal
What are baby sharks called?
How many rows of teeth do sharks have?