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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In a circuit, LED and Buzzer are....?
In a Buzz Wire Game, the cooper wand acts as what part in a circuit?
A switch
Which kind of circuit is a Buzz Wire Game?
What is the name of this circuit?
What is the name of this circuit?
Name the 2 types of circuit we can make
1- Series 2-Parallel
What does a switch does in a circuit?
Breaks and connects a circuit.
What is the conductor in this circuit?
The wire
What is the load in this circuit?
The fan
What is the load in this circuit?
The light
What is the power source in this circuit?
the battery
What is an electric current?
when electricity moves in a wire. Like water flows in a river.
Which main three things you need to complete a circuit?
1- Battery 2-Light 3-Wire 4-Switch(optional)
What is an electric circuit?
a path that allows electricity to pass through it.