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Amazing Animal Facts

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These animals taste with their feet.
These animals can stay underwater for up to 27 minutes and dive as far as 500m deep.
They are Emperor Penguins
This animal spends 7 months of the year frozen.
It's the Wood Frog!
This animal has fingerprints almost identical to a human.
It's the Koala!
These animals play with snowballs for fun.
They are Japanese Macaques!
This animal can be so smelly that it's powerful enough for a human to smell it up to 3.5 miles (5.6 km) away.
This animals is able to roll up into an armour-plated ball, so lions can’t eat them.
It's the Pangolin!
These animals “hold hands” while sleeping, so they don’t float away from each other.
This animal's heart is located in its head.
It's the Shrimp!
This animal can flap their wings 200 times per second!
The Honeybee! That is FAST!
Did you know this animal's eyeballs turn blue in winter to help them see at lower light levels?
The Reindeer!
What animals have black skin and see-through fur?
Polar Bears!
These types of animals (smaller bodies, faster metabolism) see in slow motion!
Chipmunks and Squirrels!
This animal's sense of smell is about 100,000 times stronger than humans’. However, they have only one-sixth our number of taste buds.
Everyone's best friend, the Dog!
This animal has a specific alarm call that means “human!"
African Elephants!
Humans kill 100 million of these animals every year, BUT this animal kills less than 10 humans a year.
What animal has three hearts?
The Octopus!
This animal can eat up to 1 thousand insects per hour.
The Bat! It's hungry! 
This animal weighs as much as three elephants and is as long as three Greyhound buses.
A Blue Whale!
There are 1 million of these animals for every ONE human being in the world!
ANTS! That is a lot of ants...
This animal can sleep for THREE years at a time!
A Snail!
This animal is immortal (it never dies!) It can go back to being a child again after it becomes an adult.