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A2 Corrections game 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say this answer correctly: What is your town like? - My town is like, big and beautiful.
My town is big and beautiful.
Say this sentence correctly: I start at 9 o´clock school.
I start school at 9 o´clock. The/My school starts at 9 o´clock.
Say this sentence correctly: I start studying English when I was seven years old.
I started studying English when I was seven years old.
Say this sentence correctly: Yesterday, I go to school.
Yesterday, I went to school.
Say this sentence correctly: I enjoy doing basketball.
I enjoy playing basketball.
Say this sentence correctly: Do you like chocolate? Yes, I like.
Yes, I like it. Yes, I like chocolate.
Say this sentence correctly: My sister is more old than me.
My sister is older than me.
Say this sentence correctly: I like going to the park because you can relaxing.
I like going to the park because you can relax. I like going to the park because it is relaxing.
Say this sentence correctly: Where do you watch TV at home? I see TV in the living room.
I watch TV in the living room.
Say this sentence correctly: Where did you meet your best friend? I meet my best friend at school.
I met my best friend at school.
Answer this question correctly: Where do you go to school? I go to school is in Padre Jesus.
I go to school in /at Padre Jesus.
Do you like watching TV alone or with other people? - Answer correctly: I enjoy with family.
I enjoy watching TV with my family. I prefer watching TV with my family.
Say this sentence correctly: I like summer because you don´t have a homework.
I like summer because you don´t have homework.
Say this sentence correctly: My mum buy the food in the supermarket.
My mum buys the food in the supermarket.
Say this sentence correctly: The food I not enjoy is broccoli.
The food I do not / don´t enjoy is broccoli.
Say this sentence correctly: I have eleven years old.
I AM eleven years old.
Say this sentence correctly: My family buys food to the supermarket.
My family buys food in/at the supermarket.
Say this sentence correctly: I don´t like eating the tomatoes.
I don´t like eating tomatoes.
Say this sentence correctly: Do you like every week eat vegetables?
Do you like eating vegetables every week?
Say this sentence correctly: In my family cooks my mum the food.
In my family, my mum cooks the food.
Say this sentence correctly: I prefer eating on a restaurant.
I prefer eating in a restaurant.
Say this sentence correctly: I live my parents and my brother.
I live with my parents and my brother.
Say this sentence correctly: What do you live?
Where do you live?
Say this sentence correctly: I see my friends weekend.
I see my friends at the weekend.