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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Order the sentence: to/ the/ walks/ She/ park /with/ mom./ her
She walks to the park with her mom.
Order the sentence: walks/ He/ montain. /to / the
He walks to the montain.
Make a sentence using this word: READ BOOKS.
She dosen't like to read books.
I like to ........................
I like to watch DVDs.
He is .............. and .......................
He is listening to music and dancing.
What is she doing?
She is listening to music.
What are they doing?
They are helping at home.
Where is she going? with whom?
She is going to the zoo with his family.
Where is she going? with whom?
She is going to the swimming pool with her mon.
How many books did he read?
7 books.
I´m going to the .................... with my ...................
I'm going to the montain with my friend.
I'm going to the ............... with my .....................
I'm going to the PARK with my DAD.
What is he doing?
He is playing video games.
I walk to ......
The seaside.
What is she doing?
She is painting a picturte.