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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 things I hate
Chris will tell you
What does Chris really want?
Fly killing salt gun
What is Hugo's profile pic and name?
Constant Lifestyle (hahahahahaha) and him in the gym.
What do Gabriel and Chris have in common?
Retarded quarantine hair.
Name one of Zaira's crushes.
Balma is always...on Friday
How does Alice feel?
She has no idea!
What thing does Maria C wear that irritates Chris?
VCF shirt
What 2 jobs has Mireia looked like she should have in the last 2 classes.
Newsreader, Uni professor
What rubbish musician did Aitana have on her t-shirt in the first 3 online classes?
Billie Eilish
What item did we discover that Chris and Maria A both had (that Chris has now burnt)?
Pyjama trousers
Name 2 things (not pens etc or computer stuff) that Chris always has on his desk?
Nerf gun, electric fly killer, vape, earplugs
Give me 8 phrasal verbs we have done this year.
Students' own
Rewrite this sentence using "such" and "drink" "Drinking horchata is so horrible!"
Horchata is such a horrible drink.
Give me 4 reporting verbs followed by "object + infinitive"
Students' won
Turn this into passive voice. "The dogs are chasing the cats."
The cats are being chased (by the dogs).
Give me a mixed conditional.
Students' own
Give me 5 verbs followed by "ing"
Students' own
Give me 5 jobs that end with "ist".
Students' own
Give me 3 reasons why I use "will".
Students' own
Give me 5 adjectives that end in "ful"
Students' own
Give me 5 verbs followed by "to infinitive".
Students's own
How many phrasal verbs have we learnt this year? More than 30, 40, 50 or 60?
Name 3 of Chris's top 5 animals
Goat, Owl, Sloth, Chameleon, Snow leopard