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Flyers vocab

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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These are usually for children, and pictures help you understand the stories in them.
You write in these, to help you remember important dates and times.
This place is outside, and it may have a lot of swings and other games for children.
a playground
You can buy these every day, and they tell you about things which are happening in the world.
These usually have a picture on the front, and you write them to your friends and family when you go away from home
This is a kind of home, and is usually on one floor.
an apartment
This is the place young children go to, to study and learn.
a school
You use this when you want to get dry, after washing or swimming.
a towel
This has eight legs and lives in the sea.
An octopus
You can use this when your hair is untidy.
a comb
This lived a long time ago and is now extinct.
a dinosaur
This is made from the milk of cows, sheep and goats.
When you are hungry you can eat this between meals.
a snack
This is often white with a long neck, and can swim and fly.
a swan
These have six legs and some of them can fly.
You use this for washing when you are dirty.
If you have a problem with your car, this person will help you.
A mechanic
This often has a light on top and can take you to hospital
An ambulance
This subject teaches you about mountains, rivers and lakes.
You can take your clothes in this if you go on a train.
a suitcase
You wait here if you want to catch a train.
a station