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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The service was bad. I would go there again. (although)
Although the service was bad, I would go there again./I would go there again, although the service was bad.
The delivery was slow. It was cheap. (but)
The delivery was slow, but it was cheap./It was cheap, but the delivery was slow.
I put it together. The instructions weren’t clear. (however)
I put it together. However, the instructions weren’t clear./The instructions weren’t clear. However, I put it together.
It was expensive. I really enjoyed it. (having said that)
It was expensive. Having said that, I really enjoyed it. / I really enjoyed it. Having said that, it was expensive.
However I was disappointed with the problems I had. They were quickly fixed.
I was disappointed with the problems I had. However, they were quickly fixed.
The quality is good but, the product is expensive.
The quality is good, but the product is expensive.
The online support is useful. That having said, it wasn’t easy to find.
The online support is useful. Having said that, it wasn’t easy to find.
However the food is delicious, it’s too expensive.
The food is delicious. However, it’s too expensive.