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A day at the zoo AS2 unit 10

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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where did they go last?
the giraffes
What is the girl's favourite animal?
she likes tigers
After jungle area, where did they go next?
When did the girl visit the zoo?
last weekend
What did they do in the jungle area?
They listened to the monkeys and the parrots
Where did they visit first?
jungle area
How many tigers are there in the cage?
Where is the girl's phone?
with the tiger
The cage door in the Tiger house was opened and the girl was _____
At the end, the tiger was outside with other tigers because ________
the vet helped it and it was ok
The tiger looked at me and ________
Later we walked to the ________ "I haven't got my _____"
giraffes, phone
"Why is the tiger sad? Because ________ and the _______ is helping it."
it's ill, vet
They were outside but one tiger was _______. It was in the _______.
inside, cage
Then we looked at the ________. They were outside but one tiger was _______.
tigers, inside
We walked to the _________ to watch the fish.
We listened to the _________ and the _________
monkeys, parrots
First we visited the _______ area
A ________ talked about the animals and we learned lots of new things
I visited the zoo with _____ ________ last weekend.
my mom