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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name a song has a word "dog" and sing a part of that song
Name a song has a word "happy" and sing a part of that song
sing / dance a song: twinkle twinkle little star
sing and dance a song on tiktok
sing and dance a song on tiktok
sing / dance a song: Baby shark
You need these to open the door to your house.
You can find this in the bathroom and you use it when you wash yourself.
a shower
You find this in the kitchen. It's cold inside.
a fridge
You put this on a bed so you can keep warm at night.
a blanket
This is where you eat your breakfast.
a kitchen / dining room / living room
You can wash your hands and face in here.
a bathroom
People use one of these to clean their teeth.
a toothbrush
People go here when they are not very well.
a hospital
These are on your head. You listen with them.
This black and white animal eats plants. It is a kind of bear.
a panda
This animal stands on two legs. It can't run but it can jump. It is bigger than a rabbit.
a kangaroo
You can play baseball with this. You need a ball too.
a bat
This fruit is very big. The inside is red and the outside is green.
a watermelon
Children like reading this. It isn't a book. There are lots of pictures in it.
a comic