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APTIS - Speaking (1)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You have 1 minute to prepare a 2-minute presentation answering the following questions.
Tell me about a time when you went to a music festival?/Was it a memorable experience?/Why do people like going to festivals?
Tell me what you see in the 2 pictures. (45 secs)
Where do people go for these types of holidays? // Which of these types of holiday would be more relaxing? (Why)
Describe the picture. (45 secs)
Tell me what is your favourite type of exercise. // Do you think it is important for everyone to exercise? (Why/not?)
How do you like to celebrate special occasions? (30 secs)
Tell me about someone who is important to you. (30 secs)
What do you like to do to relax? (30 secs)
You have 1 minute to prepare a 2-minute presentation answering the following questions.
Tell me about a time when you were out with your friends. // Did you have fun? // What are some of the ways of passing the time when you are with friends?
Tell me what you see in the 2 pictures. (45 secs)
Where do people go to have these types of food? // Which of these meals would be more healthy to choose? (Why?)
Describe the picture. (45 secs)
Tell me about a time you went on a tour around a city. // Do you think going on organised tours are better than travelling on your own?
Please tell me about your hometown or city. (30 secs)
What do you like to do on your birthday? (30 sec)
Please tell me about your family. (30 sec)
You have 1 minute to prepare a 2-minute presentation answering the following questions.
Tell me about a time when you went on holiday. // Did you enjoy yourself? // What are some of the ways of passing time when you are on holiday?
Tell me what you see in the 2 pictures. (45 secs)
Where do people go to see these different animals? // Which of these animals would be more difficult to see? (Why?
Describe the picture. (45 secs)
Tell me about a time you went out to eat with friends or family. // Do you think that people should prefer home-cooked meals to going out?
Tell me about what you did last weekend. (30 secs)
What do you like to do during Christmas holidays? (30 secs)
Please tell me about your best friend. (30 secs)