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APTIS - Vocabulary (1)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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5. I can't afford to buy new computer games so I always ________ them from the internet.
e. download
4. I always try to _________ something each month for my summer holidays.
a. save
3. I only paid 10 euros for this shirt. It was a real ___________.
c. bargain
2. The man was arrested for ___________. He stole a pair of socks and a tie from the clothes shop.
b. shoplifting
1. Martha is the most __________ in the school. Everybody likes her.
h. popular
5. The business made a huge _________ last year.
f. profit
4. That jacket really _________ you. You look great!
c. suits
3. I've got a terrible ___________ in my back.
c. ache
2. Don't ________ your voice. I can't listen to the film.
d. raise
1. Peter is an expert __________. He studies many rocks.
e. geologist
To move fast by using one's feet is to ________
To give money in exchange for goods or services is to ________
To perform in a film or play is to _________
To arrange for someone to stay in a hotel is to ________
To be a member of a group or organisation is to ________
What is the SYNONYM of '7.dirty'?
b, filthy
What is the SYNONYM of '6.choose'?
c, select
What is the SYNONYM of '5.customer'?
a, client
What is the SYNONYM of '4.reject'?
f, refuse
What is the SYNONYM of '3.close'?
g, shut
What is the SYNONYM of '2. wash'?
d, bathe
What is the SNYONYM of '1.right'?
e, correct