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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you don't drive carefully, you risk ... (have) an accident.
It's raining. There's no point ... (go) for a walk.
(in) going
He stayed in the shade ... (avoid) ... (get) sunburnt.
avoid - getting
He's considering ... (change) his hair style.
I can't bear people ... (shout) at me.
I'll never forget ... (spend) a weekend in Paris last year.
That shirt needs ... (clean) if you're planning to wear it tomorrow.
If you can't sleep, try ... (read) a book in bed. It's very relaxing.
I remembered ... (buy) the milk, but I forgot the bread.
to buy
We need ... (call) a builder. The wall needs ... (repair).
to call; repairing
Do you remember ... (climb) the tree in our parents' garden when we were younger?
My sister is trying ... (find) a new job.
to find
Kim expects ... (receive) the results by Friday.
to receive
... (travel) alone in a strange country can be an exciting experience.
She's very jealous. She doesn't let him ... (go) out with his friends any more.
Our teacher makes us ... (check) our homework.
My flat is easy ... (find).
to find
I'd prefer ... (read) a good book now rather than ... (watch) that silly film.
to read; watch
I prefer ... (eat) out to ... (have) to cook and wash up.
eating; having
I would rather ... (go) on walking holidays than ... (lie) on a crowded beach.
go; lie
Alan tried ... (stop) the thief as she ran away.
to stop
Try ... (rest) for a while: you might feel better then.
Let's stop ... (buy) some sweets on the way home.
to buy
I've stopped ... (smoke); it's so bad for my health.
I need ... (get) some new shoes.
to get
This house needs ... (paint). It hasn't been done for ages.
I meant ... (phone) the doctor but I forgot.
to phone
Dieting usually means ... (give) up things you enjoy.
Don't forget ... (phone) me if you need any help.
to phone
We must remember ... (feed) the cat.
to feed
I don't remember ... (see) Jim at the party.
I remember ... (come) here when I was young.
He promised not ... (tell) anyone what she'd said.
to tell
Have you finished ... (clean) the room?
I was surprised ... (hear) she'd failed her exam.
to hear
I'm learning English ... (help) me ... (get) a better job.
to help; get/to get
Peter suggested ... (go) for a picnic.
I'm not very good at ... (make) things.
I find ... (shop) for clothes really boring.
... (read) in the car makes me feel sick.
Remember ... (drink) water before the race.
to drink
I only stopped ... (have) a rest once during the whole marathon.
to have
At first my parents refused ... (let) me ... (go) to karate lessons, but I kept ... (ask) and eventually they agreed,
to let; go; asking
They've promised ... (take) me windsurfing as soon as I've finished ... (study).
to take; studying
Paul seems ... (enjoy) playing golf. He's even considering ... (buy) his own set of clubs.
to enjoy; buying
When I suggested ... (go) skiing at the weekend she was extremely enthusiastic and we arranged ... (meet) on Saturday morning.
going; to meet
I can't stand ... (be) ill.
He obviously didn't mean ... (shoot) himself in the foot.
to shoot
Amy didn't deserve ... (lose) the match, because she's much better at ... (play) than her opponent.
to lose; playing
I couldn't help ... (laugh) when she started ... (sing)
laughing; singing/to sing
I've been meaning ... (paint) the front door for ages, but I keep ... (forget) ... (buy) the paint.
to paint; forgetting; to buy
I'm delighted ... (hear) you're coming to the wedding. We're both looking forward to ... (see) you there.
to hear; seeing
... (give) up chocolate is a good idea, but if you intend ... (lose) 10 kilos, you'll have to do more than that!
giving; to lose
I really don't feel like ... (go) out tonight. I'd prefer ... (stay) in and watch a film.
going; to stay
I'm trying ... (concentrate), but it's difficult with so much noise.
to concentrate
Please stop ... (make) so much noise.
She decided ... (wait) until dark.
to wait
He considered ... (climb) through one of the open windows.
There appeared ... (be) no one in the house.
to be
I'm beginning ... (think) it's a waste of time.
to think
I was really keen on the idea of ... (learn) ... (speak) Swahili.
learning; to speak
I refuse ... (have) the neighbour's cat here in my house.
to have
I don't mind ... (look) after the neighbour's cat.