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B1. Spaced repetition 7

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I ___ you, I___ to her in private about it. (be, talk)
were, 'd talk
Do you think we'll be more productive if we ___ people to work from home? (allow)
If I lived closer to work, I___ instead of driving every day. (walk)
'd walk
If I had millions of dollars, I ___ to work. (not have)
wouldn’t have
They ___ a long lunch break if they are busy today. (not take)
won’t take
If I have time today, I ___ running after work. (go)
will go
I hope ___ money in something great. (invest)
to invest
I look forward to ___ my salary at the end of the month. (get)
I enjoy ___ stuff on the Internet. Shopping is tiring for me. (buy)
I seem ___ more things when I’m upset or angry. (buy)
to buy
I can’t stand ___ money on useless things. I am very practical. (waste)
The Japanese have a tendency to spend more money ___ gadgets than ___ people.
on, on
They charged us 50 euros ___ our visas.
Warren Buffett invests money ___ different companies.
Barbara borrowed a lot of money ___ Jack.
It’s not very popular in Ukraine to pay ___ credit card. Cash is still used more.
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