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Cooking B2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you cut food into a cube shape it is.....
When you pass liquid from one container to another you ..... it.
When you accidentally drop a liquid from its container you ...... it.
Another verb we use when we wash food with water is....
When you drop very small pieces of food ontop of a dish, we use the verb.....
You must ........ the oven before you cook food in it.
You....... a cake in the oven
When you cook meat in the oven and a high temperature, we use the verb....
When you cut bread into even pieces, we use the verb...
This electrical item can be used to make smoothies
A blender
You use one of these to make an omelette
a frying pan
You need one of these to open a bottle of wine.
A corkscrew
You use this to cook liquids, such as soup.
A saucepan
When you remove the lumps (large pieces) from food such as flour, you use a .....
Do do this when you want to make lots of very small pieces of a solid food, like cheese.
You do this after cooking rice and pasta in order to remove the water.