Edit Game
B1+ Revision units 1-5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Every Sunday, I learn a lot about teamwork. I play basketball then. (Join the sentences - use a relative pronoun)
Every Sunday, when I play basketball, I learn a lot about teamwork.
I'd love to visit America. Some of my family live there. (Join the sentences - use a relative pronoun).
I'd love to visit America where some of my family live.
My friends ________ get so fed up with me. I'm always late for everything. (MODAL)
I'm sorry I upset my friend yesterday. I ______ ______ ______ (not be) so mean. (MODAL)
shouldn't have been
Last year, due to Covid, I ____ ____ ____ ____ celebrate my birthday with friends.
was not able to
It's getting late. We _____ ______ go home!
had better
By this time next month, we ____ ____ _____ this course. (finish)
will have finished
Some endangered species may ____ ____ if we don't protect them.
die out / become extinct
I recently tried a new restaurant in town. The food was ______. I'm never going back there again!
awful / disgusting / terrible
The Amalfi coast attracts a lot of tourists ______ to its stunning coastline.
due / owing
I've been so busy this morning. I ____ _____ _____ four outfits for my holiday next week! (buy / already)
have already bought
Tom hurry up! I ____ _____ ______ you for the last five minutes! (call)
have been calling
Everyone needs to contribute - everyone needs to ___ their bit.
The coffee was ___ hot ___ drink, so I left it for a few minutes.
too / to
I am shorter than my brother. I'm ___ ___ ____ ___ (TALL) my brother.
not as tall as
It was ____ _____ _______ pizza that I ate it all. (DELICIOUS)
such a delicious
I'm too poor to buy a new phone. I'm ____ ____ ______ to buy a new phone (RICH).
not rich enough
The last time I saw Jack was 10 years ago. I _______ _____ _____ _____ ten years.
haven't seen Jack for
The bus is ____ to arrive at 11:10, according to the timetable.
It's difficult to buy strawberries in December because they are not in _______.
Colombia _______ a lot of coffee to other countries.
As soon as I ____ (get) home, I'll have something to eat.
I didn't see my mum this morning - when I got up, she _________ (just, go) to work.
had just gone
At this time tomorrow, I ___________ TV. (watch)
will be watching