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Adverbs of quantity/ a/an or the

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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__________ sugar is in that TEA?
How many
______ mushrooms do you want?
How many
__________ children are in the garden?
How many
________ cheese is there?
How much
Wow that's _____ oil. Don't you think that's a bit unhealthy?
a lot of
He only likes ____ milk in his coffee.
a little
I'll have ___ salad for my lunch today I think.
His new Tesla is so nice! He must have ____ money.
a lot of
Why didn't you come to the party last night? ______ was there!
I always have ___ tuna sandwich for my lunch
There are ten people coming for breakfast! I only have _____ eggs!
a few
_____ there _______ of chillies in this curry, it's so spicy!
Are/ a lot
There was ______ on the shelves in the supermarket this morning.
There's a 7/11 in the middle of ____ street
Mary wanted to make _____ cookies.
How many french fries are there?
There aren't any french fries.
How much chocolate is there?
There's a lot of chocolate.