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Passive Voice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The postman is delivering the mail.
The mail is being delivered by the postman.
The coach is congratulating the team for the game
The team is being congratulated by the coach
My mom is cooking some lasagna for the party.
Some lasagna is being cooked for the party by my mom
Are they organizing the wedding?
Is the wedding being organized by them?
Josh is not eating a pizza
A pizza is not being eaten by Josh
Is she watching the movie?
Is the movie being watched by her?
Is she preparing the party?
Is the party being prepared by her?
He is not wearing a tie.
A tie is not being worn by him.
We are not playing football.
Football is not being played by us.
I am writing a poem.
A poem is being written by me.
She is taking a picture of him.
A picture of him is being taken by her.
Farmer Joe is milking the cows.
The cows are being milked by farmer Joe.
My father is washing the car
The car is being washed by my father.
Sheila is drinking a cup of tea
A cup of tea is being drunk by Sheila.
My sister is feeding the dog
The dog is being fed by my sister