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50 Irregular Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the past forms of WRITE?
wrote, written
What are the past forms of WIN?
won, won
What are the past forms of WEAR?
wore, worn
What are the past forms of WAKE?
woke, woken
What are the past forms of THINK?
thought, thought
What are the past forms of TELL?
told, told
What are the past forms of TEACH?
taught, taught
What are the past forms of TAKE?
took, taken
What are the past forms of SWIM?
swam, swum
What are the past forms of SPEND?
spent, spent
What are the past forms of SLEEP?
slept, slept
What are the past forms of SING?
sang, sung
What are the past forms of STEAL?
stole, stolen
What are the past forms of SEND?
sent, sent
What are the past forms of SELL?
sold, sold
What are the past forms of SEE?
saw, seen
What are the past forms of SAY?
said, said
What are the past forms of RUN?
ran, run
What are the past forms of RIDE?
rode, ridden
What are the past forms of READ?
read, read
What are the past forms of PAY?
paid, paid
What are the past forms of MEET?
met, met
What are the past forms of MAKE?
made, made
What are the past forms of LOSE?
lost, lost
What are the past forms of LEAVE?
left, left
What are the past forms of KNOW?
knew, known
What are the past forms of HEAR?
heard, heard
What are the past forms of HAVE?
had, had
What are the past forms of GROW?
grew, grown
What are the past forms of GO?
went, gone
What are the past forms of GIVE?
gave, given
What are the past forms of FLY?
flew, flown
What are the past forms of FIND?
found, found
What are the past forms of FEEL?
felt, felt
What are the past forms of FALL?
fell, fallen
What are the past forms of EAT?
ate, eaten
What are the past forms of DRINK?
drank, drunk
What are the past forms of DO?
did, done
What are the past forms of COME?
came, come
What are the past forms of CATCH?
caught, caught
What are the past forms of BUY?
bought, bought
What are the past forms of BRING?
brought, brought
What are the past forms of BREAK?
broke, broken
What are the past forms of BEGIN?
began, begun
What are the past forms of BECOME?
became, become
What are the past forms of BE?
was/were - been