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It's Me! 10 Unit 1 - The Strange Dream Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence about the shoes using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: small, baby, tiny, green, cute
Make a sentence about the car using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: old, green, big, antique, classic, American
Make a sentence about the man using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: old, scary, angry, serious, hairy, bearded
Make a sentence about the cake using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: cute, small, tiny, delicious, yummy
Make a sentence about the woman's dress using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: red, white, beautiful, elegant, pretty, glamorous
Make a sentence about the park/garden using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: colorful, beautiful, pretty, big, spacious
Make a sentence about the telephone using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: black, old, big, antique, classic
Make a sentence about the puppy/dog using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: small, tiny, cute, sleepy, brown
Make a sentence about the spider using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: scary, big, hairy, dangerous, poisonous
Make a sentence about the moon using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: big, large, bright, shiny, full, round, white
Make a sentence about the book using adjectives.
(various answers) Possible adjectives: old, big, heavy, thick, brown
Other words that also mean "hungry"?
Famished & starving.
What happens if you eat too much and too quickly?
You can get indigestion.
How do turtles walk?
Slow / Slowly
How do you say 差し上げる in English?
Something you eat after the main course of a meal. They're usually sweet.
The meal you eat in the evening.
The meal you eat in the afternoon.
The meal you eat in the morning.
What's another word for 'bad dream'?
How do you say 思い出す in English?