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Flavours and Toppings

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these?
These are scoops.
What is this?
This is a sundae ice-cream.
What is this?
It is a cone.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer watermelon.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer walnut.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer vanilla.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer strawberry.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer pineapple.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer orange ice-cream.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer mint.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer melon.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer mango.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer kiwi.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer cookie dough.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer coconut.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer chocolate.
Which topping do you prefer for your ice-cream?
I prefer chocolate chip.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer caramel.
Which topping do you prefer for your ice-cream?
I prefer bubble gum.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer blueberry ice-cream.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer banana ice-cream.
Which ice-cream do you prefer?
I prefer apple ice-cream.