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Grade 3 Review for FT Written Test

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Linda is cooking outdoors, How can she see whats she's cooking (use complete pattern)
The light from the sun travels to the pot and reflects off her eyes
Carlo has a light source and a mirror. Among the 2 rays, which one is the ARRIVING ray?
red ray
Dina make a simple circuit with 1 small battery and 4 bulbs. Will the circuit work? Why do you think so?
the battery is not enough
Dina make a simple circuit with 1 small battery and 4 bulbs. Will the circuit work?
no it will not
What does a switch do in a circuit?
it open/ close a circuit
What will happen to the appliances with 210 V if you plug it in a socket with 120 V?
it might over heat or cause fire
The bulb didn't light up, why do you think so?
the other wire is not connected to the conductor
What is wrong with this picture?
plugging with wet hands
which one can conduct electricity. Pure water or water with salt ?
water with salt
what electrical component can you see from the picture?
bulb holder
among bottle, rubber duck and key. Which one can conduct electricity?
during noon time the shadow will be longer or shorter?
How long does Earth take to spin once around its own axis?
24 hours
Does Venus take a longer or shorter time to make 1 orbit around the sun?
What can we find in the center of the solar system.
Beside the stars and planet , what other types of body can be found in the solar system
Asteroids, moons and comets
Does most/all the materials reflect light?
Yes, most of the materials reflect light
Describe a good surface to reflect light
smooth and shiny surfaces
Bryan is reading a book, How can he read the book (use complete pattern)
The light from the lamp travels to the book and reflects off his eyes
In this picture, what is the source of light?
Aileen is looking for her things in her room, but its difficult yo look for it. Why do you think so?
because its dark
Lights travels in _____ lines