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Revision U1 - Vocab. & Grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the sentence: "She's more competitiver than me"
more competitive
Correct the mistake: "Can you run very fast as your friends?"
as fast as
Find the mistake: "I'm badder than her at writing"
She's _______________ Mark at drawing. They are both good.
as good as
The meat was not ___________________ for me.
spicy enough
Unscramble the word. Create a sentence: d - e - e - p - r - t - i - f - i
I was petrified when it happened!
Unscramble the word. Create a sentence: y - m - a - t - e - s - p - i - h - c - t
He always supports me, he's very sympathetic.
Unscramble the word. Create a sentence: u - l - i - n - s - e - d - t
I was insulted by his words.
Create a sentence: experience / was / by / put off / I / was / a / bad
I was put off by a bad experience.
Create a sentence: sale / not / miss out / summer
Don't miss out on our summer sale!
"add to", "try out" and "take off" are examples of...
phrasal verbs
"-able", "-ful" and "-ish" are examples of...
Create 1 word with the suffix -ish. Make a sentence.
childish, foolish, etc.
Create 1 word with the suffix -ence. Make a sentence.
difference, confidence, etc.
Create 1 word with the suffix -ful. Make a sentence.
careful, dreadful, painful
Create 1 word with the suffix -less. Make a sentence.
hopeless, careless, etc.