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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is usually on the teacher's desk?
______________ is a thing which is usually on the teacher's desk
a TV show which is always popular
_____________ is a TV show (which/that) is always popular.
a dish (      ) is a never popluar for lunch - 주격관계대명사 있는 문장으로 만들어보세요. 
_____________ is a dish (which/that) is never popular for lunch.
주격관계대명사 있는 문장으로 만들어보세요.  A classmate(          ) often goes to the PC방.
__________ is a classmate(  who/that  ) often goes to the PC방.
주격관계대명사 있는 문장으로 만들어보세요.  A thing (     ) is always in my bag.
 _________ is a  thing (  which /that   ) is always in my bag.
44. B3. How often do you use the internet?
I often use the internnet.
44.B2. How often do you play sports?
I sometimes play sports.
44.B1. How often are you late for school?
I'm never late for school.
44. A3. Nara is wearing a hat ______________________________.
Nara is wearing a hat which is too big for her.
44.A2. A baguette is a type of bread____________________________.
which is popular in France.
44p A1. Mr Kim is a doctor ________ lives in Seoul.