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Topics 13-25 Review

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How does Dornyei suggest we motivate our students? Name any other relevant authors. (25)
Prepare; assist; cooperative environment; clear success criteria; motivational feedback; ZPD
According to Nunan, what are the two main aspects that set the Learner Centred Approach apart from other approaches? (25)
Activities based on information & materials provided/elaborated by students & their opinions about contents/methodology/evaluation are taken into account
Name some exables of visual aids and explain how you would use them in class.
Newspapers, comics, realia, flashcards, classroom decoration, white/blackboard, smartboard, puppets and props, etc.
Name some pros and cons of ICT.
Pros: gives us access to all sorts of materials, motivating, support L2L... etc. Cons: expensive, not always availible, allows teacher to take a passive role
Name the main benefits of having a textbook and the main benefits of NOT having a textbook.
Textbook: Lots of pre-preapared materials; ease of use. No textbook: flexibility and adaptability.
According to Moon, why should we collaborate with our students in the design and creation of materials?
It's a win-win! It's easier for us; we don't have to do it all. Our pupils benefit by being more motivated by being having control over the learning process.
What method do Brewster, Ellis & Girard reccomend to manage time in our classes? Explain it briefly.
Plan (warm up, review, preview) Do (activate, practice) Review (make students aware of the learning process)
Name and briefly define the 4 grouping types, stating some benefits/uses of each.
LOCKSTEP: everyone works with the teacher. INDIVIDUAL: everyone works by themselves. PAIR: groups of 2. GROUP: 3 or more.
How does Escamilla define "units"?
A way to organise T/L around a content element, bringing together the whole process & making it meaningful.
Name three of the six planning principles. Name any related authors, if applicable. (21)
Developmental stage; meaningful learning; CC; KC L2L; motivating & rewarding activities; operational objectives.
Name the 4 Blocks of Contents and 2 of their 6 subcategories found in Decree 108/2014.
B1:L, B2:S, B3:R, B4:W. Linguistic functions, strategies, sociocultural aspects, high frequency vocabulary, syntactic structures, transversal contents.
Where does it say: “Students must acquire basic communicative competence (CC) that allows them to express and understand simple messages and participate in everyday situations in at least one foriegn language.”?
Royal Decree 126/2013, Article 7f. (Stage General Objectives)
What is one of the main benefits of drama projects (i.e. practicing memorized lines) in the FLC?
Allow pupils to focus on and practice paralinguistic features of speech and accompanying nonverbal communication without worrying about the words themselves.
What is the difference between roleplay and simulation?
Both involve a degree of improvisation in an artificial environment. RP requires pupils to pretend to be someone they aren't; sim. lets them act as themselves
What are the pros and cons of cooperative games? Competitive games?
COOP: develop social skills/working in groups. May not be as motivating as comp. games. COMP: highly motivating, sometimes students get too competitive.
Which theory by which author can explain why games are such a great tool for FL learning? (think motivation, relaxation...) Explain why.
The Affective Filter Hypothesis, Stephen Krashen. Games lower our students' affective filters by motivating them and making them feel more relaxed.
What are Jazz Chants and who invented them?
Chants that draw FL learner's attention to the rhythm of the English language, helping them to master suprasegmental elements of speech (Carolyn Graham)
Name 2 pedagogical benefits of using songs in the classroom.
Promotion of oral fluency/active listening/concentration/memory; repetition=fun internalization of content & alignment with the developmental stage of students
Define Children's Literature.
Novels/poems/plays/essays and other texts written for children characterised by excellence of style/expression & themes of general/enduring interest.
Name and define three types of literature of particular interest in the FLC.
NURSERY RHYMES: traditional songs/rhymes for kids. RIDDLES: questions that play with language. TALES: short, fun stories (traditional/modern)
Name a children's classic from the 19th century with a child as the main character. Who is the author?
Oliver Twist or Great Expectations (Charles Dickens), Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain).
Name and briefly define the three periods of children's literature that we have discussed. (15)
15th-17th century: Prior to children's literature. 18th-19th century: beginnings of children's literature. 20th century to present: children's literature's boom
Assessment must be ____, ____, and ____. What does this mean?
CONTINUOUS: we are always assessing. FORMATIVE: influence our teaching process. SUMMATIVE: take into account all activities. (Students should self assess.)
Name 5 characteristics of the Communicative Approach, citing any relevant authors. (14)
Developmental stage, meaningful learning, roughly tuned language, related to students' interests, authentic language for authentic reasons, etc...
How did behaviourism change FL teaching?
Behaviourism (Sapir/Bloomfield), which says lang. is a behaviour and can be learned through repetition & reinforcement shifted us to the AL/AV methods.
What did the Direct/Natural Method attempt to do in comparison to the Grammar-Translation Method?
The D/N Method attempts to teach FL in the same way the L1 is learned, focusing purely on acquisition, as opposed to the G-T Method, which teaches artificially