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Capitalization #2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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mrs. cohen
Mrs. Cohen
mr. johnson
Mr. Johnson
prof. David
Prof. David
dr. Quintero
Dr. Quintero
We will plant a tree on Arbor day.
We will plant a tree on Arbor Day.
My grandfather bought me a present for hanukkah.
My grandfather bought me a present for Hanukkah.
My favorite movie is encanto.
My favorite movie is Encanto.
We should visit disneyland.
We should visit Disneyland.
We will stay awake until midnight on new year's Day.
We will stay awake until midnight on New Year's Day.
Israel's independence day is called Yom haatzmaut.
Israel's Independence Day is called Yom Haatzmaut.
My friend will celebrate thanksgiving on thursday.
My friend will celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday.
We eat apples and honey on rosh hashanah.
We eat apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah.
You can sing and i cannot.
You can sing and I cannot.
i made my mom a card for Mother's day.
I made my mom a card for Mother's Day.
who did miriam invite to her party?
Who did Miriam invite to her party?
Michael and michael are cousins.
Michael and Michael are cousins.
sarah and nina are my friends.
Sarah and Nina are my friends.
do you like to go to the beach?
Do you like to go to the beach?
Should i call you later?
Should I call you later?
Jenny and i like to play together.
Jenny and I like to play together.
What month comes before november?
What month comes before November?
Frida is going to sing on tuesday.
Frida is going to sing on Tuesay.
Tuesday, July 6, 2022
It is correct!
monday, April 16, 2022
Monday, April 16, 2022
My birthday is on monday.
My birthday is on Monday.
When i was little, i broke my leg.
When I was little, I broke my leg.
my mom is happy.
My mom is happy.