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Agreeing & Disagreeing

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"I like tennis." (DISAGREE)
"I don't."
"I like tennis." (AGREE)
"So do I." OR "Me too."
"I'm late for school." (DISAGREE)
"I'm not."
"I'm late for school." (AGREE)
"So am I." OR "Me too."
"I don't have a cat." (DISAGREE)
"I do."
"I don't have a cat." (AGREE)
"Neither do I." OR "Me neither."
"I play the violin." (DISAGREE)
"I don't."
"I play the violin." (AGREE)
"Me too." OR "So do I."
"I'm not going to school today." (DISAGREE)
"I am."
"I'm not going to school today." (AGREE)
"Me neither."
"I am sleepy." (DISAGREE)
"I'm not."
"I am sleepy." (AGREE)
"So am I." OR "Me too."
"I can drive." (DISAGREE)
"I can't."
"I've been out all weekend." (DISAGREE)
"I haven't."  OR "Me neither."  
"I've already seen that movie." (AGREE)
"So have I." OR "I have too." OR "Me too."
"I've already seen that movie." (DISAGREE)
"I haven't."
"I've been out all weekend." (AGREE)
"So have I."  OR "Me too."  
"I can drive." (AGREE)
"So can I." OR "Me too."
"I like to go scuba diving." (DISAGREE)
I don't."
"I stayed at a nice beach resort." (AGREE)
"So did I." OR "Me too."
"I'm not going to the cinema." (DISAGREE)
"I am."
"I don't like soccer." (AGREE)
"Neither do I."
"I don’t like to go camping." (AGREE)
"Neither do I."
"I’m not going on vacation." (AGREE)
"Neither am I."
"I stayed at a nice hotel." (AGREE)
"So did I."
"I like to go hiking." (AGREE)
"So do I."
"I was at the beach." (AGREE)
"So was I."
"I'm going on vacation." (AGREE)
" So am I."
I don’t like to go camping. (DISAGREE)
"I do."
"I’m not going on vacation." (DISAGREE)
"I am."
"I like to go hiking." (DISAGREE)
"I don't."
"I was at the beach." (DISAGREE)
"I wasn't."
"I'm going on vacation." (DISAGREE)
"I'm not."