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teacher quiz, guess who?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is this?
Ms. Gauri!
Which teacher was the valedictorian in their high school?
Ms. Gauri!
What summer camp teacher went to kindergarten in Mexico and lived in Spain for 2 years?
Ms. Jess!
TRUE OR FALSE Ms. Sahar and Ms. Abi live in the same house?
FALSE - Ms. Sahar comes over to do work at Ms. Abi's house. Ms. Abi lives with Ms. Jess.
Who is this?
Ms. Julia!
Who is this?
Ms. Jennifer!
Which person in this picture is your teacher (and which teacher?)
Ms. Abi is the girl on the left!
Who is this?
Mr. Jon!
Who is this?
Mr. Max!
Who is this?
Mr. Soham!
Who was born in Asia, left handed, plays the violin, and likes science
Ms. Sahar
Who was born in Iowa and lived in Mexico for a short time?
Mr. Winston!
Where is Mr. Winston's ancestors from?
Part europe, Part Guyanese, extra points if you remember his dad is Indo-Guyanese
Who dyed their hair pink in 6th grade?
Ms. Abi!
Who was in a play in elementary school and ALWAYS got cast as the old man or old woman?
Ms. Julia!
Which teacher played lacrosse, basketball, and softball in highschool AND a step team in college?
Ms. Shannon!
Who went to golfing club in elementary school?
Ms. Ebony
Which teacher can name all 196 countries?
Ms. Logan!
Which teacher has lived in four states during their life (Florida, Georiga, Washington DC, and Oklahoma)
Mr. Langston