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In 1765 the first four volumes of his work were published under the ___ 'Edward Search'.
The name 'Anjaneya' is a ___ for Hanuman, whose mother's name is Anjani.
Cecilia Lux chose to keep her ___ when she married Jermaine Ashton in 2016.
maiden name
YourMomStinks was banned from the forum due to an issue with their ___.
His honesty and sincerity in business and politics earned him the ___ 'Golden Rule' Jones.
Although historically the name has been feminine, in Slovenia 'Nastja' is a ___.
unisex name
Before you access this channel, you will need to create your own ___ and password.
Phyllis hated her first name, so even her parents agreed to call her Ann, her ___.
middle name
Scientist Carl Linnaeus's ___ was Nilsson, as his father's name was Nils Ingemarsson.
Perry used to take part in semi-professional wrestling, appearing under the ___ 'Steel'.
stage name
Stuart told us that his mother's first name was Lasar, so his surname is the ___ Mac Laisre.
Sometimes I'm asked for my mother's ___, but I don't know what she was called before she got married!
maiden name
The magician and escapologist Erik Weisz was better known by his ___ of Harry Houdini.
stage name
Did you have a ___ when you were a child?
'Alice in Wonderland' was written by Lewis Carroll. But this was actually the ___ of Charles Dodgson, a professor of mathematics at Oxford.
When I watched 'The Last Station', a film about Tolstoy, I couldn't understand why they kept on calling him Nikolaevich. Then I discovered that this was his ___.
Sam could be either Samantha or Samuel, so I don't know if it's a man or a woman. That's the problem with a ___.
unisex name
John B. Fredrickson. The 'B' stands for Barry, which is my ___.
middle name