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IELTS - Revision 1
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sam works out at the gym several days a week. a) occasionally b) often c) every day
b) often
We bought a new car. ________ it can park itself in the garage.
What's more
It was a lovely party, ________ the terrible food.
in spite of / despite
They passed the course, _______ it was very difficult. a) in spite of b) although
b) although
I love Al Ain _______ most of my friends prefer Dubai.
but - whereas
The mall is busy during the weekend. During weekdays, ________, it is very quiet.
20% = a) a quarter b) a third c) a fifth d) two fifths
c) a fifth
one in ten = a) 100% b) 10% c) 1% d) 90%
b) 10%
Hajer's favorite colour is blue, ________ Laila's is white. a) also b) whereas
b) whereas
35% = a) a third b) two thirds c) around a third d) just under a third
c) around a third
50% = a) a quarter - b) a half - c) a third
b) a half
The populations of Japan and The USA are about 126 million and 333 million, respectively. What's the population of the Japan?
about 126 million.