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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don’t like the way Sue thinks she’s more important than everyone else. ---> (STOP) I wish __________________________ on everyone else.
Sue would stop looking down
I find it hard to explain what it is I admire about him. ---> (WHY) I find it hard to explain the ________________________ up to him.
reason why I look
He couldn’t return the jacket to its owner because he had no idea who it belonged to. ---> (WHOSE) He would have returned the jacket to its owner if __________________________ was.
he had known whose it
His constant moaning tends to irritate people. ---> (GET) He has a __________________________ people’s nerves with his constant moaning.
tendency to get on
I didn’t like my boss from the very first moment I met her. ---> (INSTANT) When I first met my boss, I took ___________________ her.
an instant dislike to
After I emigrated, I made an effort not to lose contact with my old schoolfriends. ---> (PAINS) After I emigrated, I __________________________ in touch with my old schoolfriends.
took/went to (great) pains to keep/stay
I closed the door and immediately realised I had left my keys inside the house. ----> (SOONER) No __________ the door than I realised my keys were inside the house.
sooner had I closed
You shouldn't tell anyone about this under any circumstances. ----> (NO) Under _________ tell anyone about this.
no circumstances should you
It will be six years since I moved here next Saturday. -----> (FOR) By next Saturday, I will ____________ six years.
have been living here for
You shouldn't ever put your full address on a luggage label. -------> (TIME) At ______________ put your full address on a luggage label.
no time should you
The neighbours are really noisy and they are not very friendly either -------> (ONLY) Not _____________ really noisy, they are also not very friendly.
only are the neighbours
I only managed to buy my own place after years of sharing with other people. ------> (DID) Only after years of sharing with other people ______________________ my own place.
did I manage to buy