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B2 Vocabulary & Grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say the adjectives of these nouns: length, proud & strong.
long, pride & strength.
Say the adjectives of these nouns: free, high & wide.
freedom, height & width.
Say the nouns of these verbs: laugh, think, succeed & see.
laughter, thought, success & sight.
Say the nouns of these verbs: prove, marry, see, choose & give.
proof, marriage, sight, choice & gift.
Say the nouns of these verbs: believe, die, know & speak.
belief, death, knowledge & speech.
Say the adjectives of enthusiasm, real, economy & produce.
enthusiastic, realistic, economic & productive.
Say the adjective of: attract, extend, decide & pessimism.
attractive, extensive, decisive & pessimistic.
They have __________ and are no longer speaking to each other. (use a phrasal verb)
fallen out
Me and my roommate ___________ from the start = (liked each other)
Q. hit it off
K. hit of
W. hitted of
I. hit off
Our neighbour brought cakes _________ juice for everyone.
as well as
as well
at all
for all
When Helen said how ill her son was, she called the health centre _________ (immediately).
at once
What's the noun of strong?
Say the past, past participle and meaning of creep, lean & sow.
crept, crept, arrastrarse; leant, leant, inclinarse; sowed, sown, sembrar
Say the past, past participle and meaning of swear, spread & spit
swore, sworn, jurar o insultar; spread, spread, esparcir/extender, spat, spat, escupir.
Question tag: They had promised to finish the project work, ....................?
hadn't they?
Anagram: mfor aartp
Apart from
2nd Conditional: My computer's out of order so I can't send you the proposal.
If my computer weren't (or wasn't) out of order, I could send you the proposal.
At Christmas, she usually cooks a roast lamb .................. turkey.
Z. instead of
W. instead off
Q. insted of
The water was ......................... my waist and as I can't swim, I panicked.
up to
up on
flash of ...?, item of ...?, means of ...?
K. lightning, clothing, transport
R. lighting, clothes, transport
The teenager tried to ........................... his homework by pretending to be ill.
#. get out of
&. get out off
I hope you .................... your flu really quickly.
get over
get out
Do or make a course?
Do a course
Do or make your best?
What's the place where football is played called?
A football pitch
What's the place where you can ice skate called?
ice rink
I failed the test ..................... studying all night.
Make this noun another noun >>> member
Make this noun another noun >>> journalist
Adjective of harm >>>
3rd Conditional: I fell out with Carl because he broke my iphone 19.
If Carl hadn't broken my iphone 19, we wouldn't have fallen out.
Question tag: We had a ball, .....................?
didn't we?