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F1 - Irregular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did you (keep / kept / have kept) that photo I gave you?
Did you keep
Ths sun (rises/ rose /has risen) from the East.
I have (ever / never / just) met a blind person. This is the first time.
have never met
I heard in the news that they (catch/ caught / have caught) the lion that escaped from the zoo.
Don't worry. My pet doesn't (bite / bit / bitten).
doesn't bite
My friend (doesn't/ didn't/ hasn't) come to the party last night.
didn't come
Mr. Brown, our science teacher, (speaks/ spoke / has spoken) about recycling today. It was interesting.
(Do / Did/ Have) you ever given your mum a hug?
Have you ever given
Larry (goes / went / has gone) to the bank. He's not at home right now.
has gone
I have just (see/ saw/ seen) a ghost!
have just seen
Some thieves (break / broke / have broken) the glass. We called the police.
Who (eats / ate / eaten) my snack? It was in the fridge!
Take your kids to the park. It (doesn't cost/ didn't cost /hasn't cost) money but it makes them happy.
doesn't cost
-Why are you sleepy? -I haven't (have / had) coffee yet!
haven't had
They (take / took/ taken) my bag and drove away!
I didn't (pay / paid) for this concert ticket. It was a gift.
didn't pay
Who did it? Did you (drive / drove / have driven) my car?
did you drive
Someone (draws / drew / has drawn) a graffiti on the wall.
has drawn
Never (buy / bought) something without checking the price first.
I have (become / became) a different person, now that I'm older.
have become
She ( is / was / has been) in the city last week.
Hurry up! The movie has already (begin / began / begun).
has begun
Be careful he doesn't (lose / lost) his baloon.
doesn't lose
Our team never (wins / wons) the friendly matches!
never wins
He got up and (leave / left ) the room, without saying a word.
I have (run / ran) on this road many times.
have run
I didn't (know / knew / known) that cats sleep for 12-16 hours.
didn't know