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Kids Stories Around the World: Unit 5

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is Janak learning to play the tabla?
at school
How are the daya and baya different?
The daya makes high sounds and the baya makes low sounds.
What kind of instrument is the tabla?
The tabla is two drums.
Where does Janak live?
Varanasi, India
What does Lihua’s father play?
Lihua’s father plays the timpani, a special drum
Which of Lihua’s parents is the concertmaster?
her mother
Where do Lihua’s parents play musical instruments?
in the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
Where does Lihua live?
Shanghai, China
What is the English word for palillos?
Besides singing, what else is Inez learning? *3 things*
She is learning to dance, play the guitar, and play the palillos, or castanets
What is Inez learning to be?
A Flamenco singer
Where does Inez live?
Antequera, Spain
Kory’s instrument is played in his country. Where else is it played?
All over the world
What are the instruments Kory writes about made out of?
What kinds of instruments does Kory write about?
Where does Kory live?