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OD1 - REVIEW (After Easter)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lots of animals live in a f_ _ _ _. They hide in the green grass.
Today I t_ _ _ c_ _ _ of dad. He's not feeling well.
take care of
- (What's / Who's) that? - My cousin, Jim.
Who's that?
In December it (snows / snow) and we play outside.
it snows
In August it (don't get/ doesn't get) cold. It's hot!
it doesn't get cold
It's (snowy / rainy / cloudy)
It's rainy.
In spring, my parents (make / do / build) a s_ _ _ _.
make a swing
I drink hot ch_ _ _ l_t_. It's nice and (warm / cool).
chocolate, warm
In winter, I don't b_ _ _ a t_ _ _ h_ _ _ _ . It's cold.
I don't build a tree house.
-__ you watch birds? -No, we __. We watch h_n_ _ b_ _s.
-Do you..? -No, we don't. We watch honeybees.
In summer, we (ride / read) a b_ c_ cl_.
ride a bicycle
Read the addition problems. Say the answer.
ten plus five equals fifteen / three plus eleven equals fourteen
Say one odd number.
Say 3 things you can see.
backpack, ruler, pencils, notebook, phone, leaves
( Twenty / Twelve ) is my favourite number.
-(Do / Are) we have s_ _ s_ g _s? - No, we don't.
Do we have sausages?
-How many c_c_m_ _rs ( do / does) you have? -I have two.
How many cucumbers do you have?
I can't hear you. The music is too l _ _ _ !
If you're happy, c_ _ _ your hands.
Is she (play /playing) an instrument? - No, she isn't. She's ____.
-Is she playing...? -No, she isn't. She's dancing.
___ they singing? -Yes, they (are / do).
-Are they singing? -Yes, they are.
Look! It's a (puppet show/ parade / circus).
Say 3 vegetables you put in a soup.
carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions...
I'm sh_k _ _ _ the ( cymbals / tambourine / drums).
I'm shaking the tambourine.
The dance is l_v_l_ and f_ _ t.
lovely and fast