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AB - EP6 LP4 - Birthday Party

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many balloons are there at the birthday celebration?
There are six (6) balloons at the birthday celebration.
How many candles are there on the cake?
There are five (5) candles on the cake.
How many presents do you see at the birthday celebration?
I see six (6) presents at the birthday celebration.
What is missing at the birthday celebration?
A cake is missing at the birthday celebration.
This is a: 1) candle celebration 2) birthday celebration 3) balloon celebration
2) birthday celebration
TRUE OR FALSE: We put candles on the cake.
TRUE OR FALSE: We drink a birthday cake at a birthday celebration.
FALSE. We drink juice at a birthday celebration.
TRUE OR FALSE: We don't listen to music at a birthday celebration.
FALSE. We listen to music at a birthday celebration.
TRUE OR FALSE: We can sing and dance at a birthday celebration.
TRUE OR FALSE: We meet friends at a birthday celebration.
TRUE OR FALSE: We eat balloons and candles at the birthday celebration.
FALSE. We eat cake at the birthday celebration.