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Dino 4 Final Review (U3+4)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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在這邊。It's _____.
It's here.
在那邊。It's over _____.
It's over there.
Where's the gift?
It's under the desk.
Where is the ball?
It's on the box.
Where is the teddy bear?
It's next to the bed.
Where is the kite?
It's under the bed.
Where's the pencil?
It's in the school bag.
Where's the gift?
It's on the desk.
Q: ______ A: She is in the yard.
Q: Where is she?
Where is he?
He's in the dining room.
Where's Grandma?
She 's in the living room.
Where is Grandpa?
He's in the bathroom.
Where's Dad?
He's in the kitchen.
Where is she?
She 's in the bedroom. (She's on the bed.)
Tom can hop. Belle cannot. Tom hops to a rose. He smells it with his nose.
Tom can hop. Belle cannot. Tom hops to a rose. He smells it with his nose.
The duke is cute. He cuts the cube. He cuts the cube in the tub.
The duke is cute. He cuts the cube. He cuts the cube in the tub.
Where's the book?
It's under the desk.
Where's the key?
It's in the box.
Where is the kite?
It's under the box.
Where is the ball?
It's in the box.
Where's the desk?
It's next to the chair.
Where's the ball?
It's under the box.
Where's the book?
It's next to the box.
Where is the key?
It's under the desk.