Edit Game
Basic - Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's your city like?
Dangerous, polluted, clean, safe, cool, boring...
A person from Italy is ___
14 + 13 = 27; 40 - 22 = 18; 70 x 12 = 840; 90 / 3 = 30
plus, minus, times, divided by, equals
How do you spell your full name?
How do you say: desempregado/a, escritor/a, político/a, músico
Unemployed, writer, politician, musician
How do you say: bombeiro/a, dona de casa, vendedor/a, cabeleireiro/a, pedreiro, funcionário/a público/a
Firefighter, housewife, salesperson, hairdresser, construction worker, civil servant
How do you say: cozinheiro/a, advogado/a, psicólogo/a, empresário/a, arquiteto/a, garçom/garçonete
Cook, lawyer, psychologist, businessperson, architect, waiter/waitress
Where are the objects?
on, under, in, next to, behind, in front of, between, on the left, on the right
Name 8 sports objects
Ball, helmet, racquets, goggles, fins, bat, rollerblades, cleats, skis and poles
Como você finalizaria uma conversa em inglês?
I have to go now, bye, see you later.
Como você apresentaria alguém em inglês?
This is my ____, ____.
How is she?
She's hungry
How is she?
She's sick/ill
How are you?
Sad/upset, happy, excited, angry, sleepy/tired...
Read: Mrs., Miss, Ms., Mr.
Misses, Miss, Ms, Mister
How do you say: estou em um relacionamento, estou noivo/a, sou viúvo/a?
I'm in a relationship, I'm engaged, I'm a widower/widow
Como pedir algo emprestado em inglês? Como responder?
Can you lend me your ___? Sure, here you are! / Sorry, I don't have one.
Correct this sentence: The notebook blue is under the table.
The blue notebook is under the table.
I'm ___ engineer and my husband is ___ driver.
an / a
Name 11 colors
Red, brown, green, pink, yellow, purple, white, blue, gray, orange, black
Name the school supplies
Calculator, eraser, pencil, scissors, pen, ruler, sharpener
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too!
What's your name? (2 possible answers)
I'm... / My name is...
morning, afternoon, evening, night