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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Let’s get the work done first, __________ we?
shall we?
I am talking to Mr. Joseph, _____ I?
aren’t I?
The hall is never open for the public, ____ it?
is it?
somebody who is in the army
It wasn't a peaceful demonstration. It was a r__________.
Your sister cooks well, _______ she?
doesn't she
Stop promising what you can't deliver, _______ you?
will you / won't you
The bank robber took the woman hostage, ________ he?
didn't he
I'm 18 so I can ____________ in presidential elections.
PIS and PO are examples of _____________
political parties
The army o____________ this territory for years.
Germany i___________ Poland in 1939.
the opposite of a friend
A lot of people protested ______ the new regulations
It was her first offence, so she didn’t receive any p_______________, just a warning.
If they manage to p___________ the new tax law, it will be a heavy burden for lots of companies.
Sadly, many countries do not r____________ human rights.
Wojna wybuchła 1 września 1939 roku.
The war broke out on the 1st of September 1939.
the opposite of guilty ____________
There’s a lot of t____________ between these two countries. People fear that a war might break out between them.
He was afraid that one of his advisers might b____________ him, so he didn’t trust anybody with his most secret plans.
pokojowa demonstracja
peaceful demontration
Mój wujek został wybrany na posła.
My uncle has been elected a member of parliament.
a person who leaves their country because of war, famine or political persecution
a refugee