Game Preview


  •  English    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Jack had to spend two weeks in hospital so his parents were afraid he had ___________.
    fallen behind
  •  15
  • I _____________ a few words of Spanish when I was in Spain last year.
    picked up
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  • He's having trouble ______________ with the rest of the class. He can't manage to do as well as other students.
    keeping up
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  • I’ve _______________ all my papers but I still can’t find the worksheet.
    looked through
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  • We need to_____________ how we’re going to get there. We need to plan a good way of doing it.
    work out
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  • The other players in the team are better than me, but I'm slowly __________them _________.
    catching them up
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  • You do not have to tell him why, just ___________ something __________!
    make up
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  • In your final paragraph, _____________ your argument.
    sum up
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  • I have _____________ trying to get her change her mind because she's very stubborn.
    given up
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  • They didn't __________ ___________ to him. They completely ignored him.
    pay attention
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  • He's ________ _________ for his geography exam. He is studying before the exam.
    revising for
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  • She feared she wouldn’t be able to _________ _________ two new babies.
    cope with
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  • After a few days of phoning her, he knew her number ____________.
    by heart
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  • Be quiet! Let me ____________ ____________ my homework.
    concentrate on
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  • If you want to improve your _____________ (know) of the language, you should live in London.
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  • I felt I was doing well and my _____________(confident) began to grow.
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