Game Preview


  •  English    13     Public
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  • What was the kings name who held a banquet where the "writing on the wall" happened?
    King David
    King Samuel
    King Belshazzar
    King Chris
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  • What happened to the evil king after the "writing on the wall"?
    God blessed him
    He had to live alone
    He lived happily ever after
    He was killed
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  • The story of the "Writing on the Wall" is found in the book of....
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  • "If we _______ our sins, he is faithful and just and will ______ us our sins and purify us from all __________. 1 John 1:9
    confess, be sad about, birthdays.
    celebrate, forgive, bad stuff
    confess, forgive, unrighteousness
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  • What was the name of the disciple who died for sharing the good news?
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  • Guide me in your ______ and teach me, for you are ____ my Savior, and my _____ is in your all day long. Psalm 25:5
    store, God, plan
    way, favorite, lunch
    truth, God, hope
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  • Ananias and Sapphira sinned by:
    Spreading rumors
    Not praying before dinner
    Lying about money they held back from the Lord
    Stealing water
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  • Stephen kept his eye on Jesus, even as he died
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  • Instead of killing Mephibosheth, King David ....
    welcomed him at his house for as long as he lived
    took his sheep
    made him lunch
    gave him a gift basket
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  • If any of you lacks ______, let him ______, who gives generously to all without ______. and it will be given to him. James 1:5
    wisdom, ask God, reproach
    wisdom, stand up, hiding
    strength, ask God, laughing at you
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  • But you will receive ____ when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my _______ in ________ and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the _____. Acts 1:8
    power, friends, Wichita, earth
    some money, witnesses, Jerusalem, road
    power, witnesses, Jerusalem, earth
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  • "Fear not, for I have ________ you; I have ______ you by name, you are ______. Isaiah 43:1
    hid, named, gone
    redeemed, called, mine
    comforted, called, safe
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  • What does Genesis 1:1 say?
    In the beginning, there were Pop Tarts
    In the beginning, God said "Let there be light"
    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
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