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Adjectives to Describe People

  •  English    17     Public
    An adjective is a word we use to describe something or someone, what adjectives would you use to describe these people/characters.
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  • Describe the man. Describa al hombre.
    He is old. (viejo)
    He is young. (joven)
  •  15
  • Describe the man. Describa al hombre.
    He is scary. (aterrador)
    He is calming. (calmante)
  •  15
  • Describe the man. Describa al hombre.
    He is short. (corto)
    He is tall. (alto)
  •  15
  • Describe the man. Describa al hombre.
    He is slow. (lento)
    He is fast. (rápido)
  •  20
  • Describe the man. Describa al hombre.
    He is old. (vieja)
    He is young. (joven)
  •  25
  • Describe the man. Describa al hombre.
    He is energetic. (energética)
    He is tired. (cansada)
  •  25
  • Describe the character. Describe el personaje.
    He is full. (completo)
    He is hungry. (hambriento)
  •  25
  • Describe the boy. Describa al niño.
    He is excited. (Emocionada)
    He is sad. (triste)
  •  25
  • Describe the girl. Describa a la niña.
    She is happy. (feliz)
    She is upset. (Molesta)
  •  25
  • Describe the girl. Describa a la niña.
    She is silly. (tonta)
    She is serious. (Seria)
  •  25
  • Describe the woman. Describa a la mujer.
    She is angry. (enojada)
    She is happy. (feliz)
  •  15
  • Describe the girl. Describa a la niña.
    She is worried. (preocupada)
    She is calm. (Tranquila)
  •  25
  • Describe the character. Describe el personaje.
    He is calm. (Tranquila)
    He is excited. (Emocionada)
  •  15
  • Describe the woman. Describa a la mujer.
    She is weak. (débil)
    She is strong. (fuerte)
  •  20
  • Describe the girl. Describa a la niña.
    She is old. (vieja)
    She is young. (joven)
  •  25
  • Describe the man. Describa al hombre.
    He is messy. (sucia)
    He is neat. (ordenada)
  •  25