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Tier II Vocabulary

  •  English    20     Public
    Tier II Vocabulary
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  • Matt lost his favorite hat at school. He asked his teacher to help him. "Describe the hat to me and I will try to help you find it" she said. Matt replied, "it's a black and red baseball cap". What does the word "describe" mean?
    to provide additional details
    to see something
    to look for something
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  • There is a shelter for homeless cats nearby. I feel bad for the cats, so I volunteer at the shelter 2 times a week. At the shelter I feed and play with the cats. I do not get paid since I am a volunteer. What does it mean to "volunteer" ?
    to do chores
    to freely offer to help
    to do something because it's required
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  • I grew up in Florida and it was always very hot. When I got older, I moved to Ohio which has a cooler climate. I get to enjoy the snow in the winter time and see the leaves change color in the fall! What does the word "climate" mean?
    weather and temperature conditions in an area
    a sudden change in the weather
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  • I have a little brother who annoys me. He constantly takes my Nintendo Switch. What does the word "annoy" mean?
    to hurt someone
    to be silly
    to bother someone
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  • My family went camping over the summer in Michigan. We had never been there before, so we explored the area by hiking through the woods, kayaking in the lake, and riding our bikes. I learned a lot! What does the word "explore" mean?
    to see something
    to walk
    to travel to a place to learn more about it
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  • Kristi and I got into an argument the other day. I think she still may be mad at me, because when I saw her in school and said "Hi Kristy!", she ignored me. She didn't say anything back to me and she walked away. What does "ignore" mean?
    to get distracted
    to yell at someone because you are angry with them
    refuse to show someone that you hear or see them
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  • When Nancy was young, her Aunt Janet gave her a gold necklace. This necklace was precious to Nancy because every time she wore it, it reminded her of her Aunt Janet. What does "precious" mean?
    strange and old
    common and easy to get
    greatly loved, valued, and important
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  • Jack wrote an article about living near the beach. He wanted his article to be published in a travel magazine. He thought it would be awesome if people who bought the magazine read his article! What does "publish" mean?
    to read and write
    to have something you wrote included in a book/magazine
    to buy a new magazine at the store
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  • I think sushi is the greatest food ever. My sister, however, has a different opinion. She thinks French fries are the greatest food ever. It's okay that we have different opinions. What does "opinion" mean?
    an argument
    a belief or a way of thinking about something
    a correct answer
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  • My great aunt Hilda bought an unusual hat. Whenever she wore it, people stopped and stared at it because it was so different. What does "unusual" mean?
    different or uncommon
    shiny or new
    big and bright
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  • My car got damaged in a car accident. I had to pay $5,000 to repair it. What does "repair" mean?
    to update
    to fix
    to upgrade
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  • I suggest that you complete your school work if you want to graduate from high school. What does the word "suggest" mean?
    sharing an idea on what to do
    to inspire you
    to order you
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  • My high school was enormous. I graduated with over 700 people in my grade, and there's more than 3,000 students at the high school. What does "enormous" mean?
    lots of people
    very large
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  • Gabe didn't finish his homework, so there were consequences at school the next day. He had to stay after school to complete his home work. What does the word "consequence" mean?
    something that happens as a result of a positive action
    a school routine
    something that happens as a result of a previous action
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  • Jack mumbled something to his teacher. "What did you say? I couldn't understand you." his teacher said. Jack repeated what he said earlier with more volume and over-articulated. What does "mumble" mean?
    to speak quietly and unclearly
    to speak slowly
    to speak loudly and over-articulate
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  • Today was an ordinary day at school. Nothing special happened. It was just like every other day. What does the word "ordinary" mean?
    abnormal and unusual
    normal and usual
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