Game Preview

E8 tłumaczenia fragmentów zdań

  •  English    20     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • (Ile pieniędzy) ……………………………………………... did you take with you?
    How much money did you take with you?
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  • Excuse me, I have (kilka) ……………………………………………... questions about your newest film.
    a few
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  • Excuse me, do you happen to know where (jest szpital) …………………………………………... ?
    the hospital is?
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  • He published his first book when he (miał 13 lat) ……………………………………………... .
    was thirteen.
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  • Lech Poznań (nie przegrał) …………………………………………... any matches this season yet.
    hasn't lost
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  • She doesn’t know what (jest godzina) ……………………………………………… . I’ve already asked her.
    time it is.
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  • He was the (pierwszym piłkarzem, który) ……………………………………………... scored so many goals in one match.
    the first footballer who
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  • Maria Curie-Skłodowska (słynie z) ……………………………………………... discovering two chemical elements.
    is famous for
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  • Gdańsk is situated (na północy) ……………………………………………... of Poland.
    in the north
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  • (Obawiam się) ……………………………………………... that I can’t help you.
    I'm afraid
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  • Why (grasz) ……………………………………………... this silly computer game now?
    are you playing
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  • It’s (najdroższy) ……………………………………………... watch in the shop.
    the most expensive
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  • Mark teaches people (jak prowadzić) ……………………………………………... a car.
    how to drive
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  • Paulo Coelho’s books (są sprzedawane) ……………………………………………... in millions of copies.
    are sold
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  • An hour ago (był) ……………………………………………... a serious car accident in High Street.
    there was
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  • (Wróciłem) ……………………………………………... home and then it started to rain.
    I came back
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